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The story - ep #1

30.03.2018 - 07:00 am


GO !


101 km to connect Hermance to Montreux with 9 runners.


The idea was to do something different. Something unique. Of course, the distance is not impresive but that was not the goal there. We wanted to enjoy a journey together that we could remember.


It was our first edition like a draft of something bigger we wanted to create. The inspirition comes from The Speed Project : runners relaying from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. The Speed Project (TSP) has become very famous the last two years and we were fascinated by the simplicity and craziness of such a race. A lot of running crews from all over the world took part in that race.


As we were not able to join them we initiated our own little project we named Epic City Relay.


Now that we had a blast during the first edition in such a crazy atmosphere we are planning better and bigger for our second edition that will take place in 2019. This time we will relay from Lausanne to Lausanne with a full tour a the lake.


Want to see how it was? Check out the full story on our Instagram account


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